Sunday, May 24, 2009


I can't believe it's actually here.
I kind of hate summer. It's hot. There's rarely a schedule (and I like schedules). There's no football or jackets. Friends are gone.
That's why for the past two summers I made sure I had a schedule and friends around me. Totus Tuus and NSE were really good summers. When I realized that I didn't actually have a plan for this summer and whatever it was going to be, I probably wouldn't have a schedule or friends, I kind of freaked out. Eventually, I told God whatever He wanted me to do, I would do it. He surprised me and gave me a wonderful internship in Omaha where I would totally have a list of things to get done and amazing people with whom to hang out. I can't believe I can't wait for this summer.
Meanwhile, I'm in Texas spending some time with my family. They've made me feel pretty guilty about going back to Nebraska for the summer...again. But they know that I make good decisions, and they know how much I love them. I hope, anyway.
Also, I don't know how I'm going to fit my clothes/shoes into my little bag I carried on again. What a cunundrum.
More posts later.
After all, it is summer.