Sunday, November 15, 2009

good life

Last week (as you can imagine from my earlier post), I was at the peak of my stressed-out-o-meter. I was grumpy and freaked about turning 22 (this Wednesday). Needless to say, I was everyone's favorite
How did I cope? The way I do with any stressful week: I got in my car, plugged in my ipod drove to Omaha.

I love that city, and I love everything that happened this weekend. There was hardly any traffic on my way out of town, which meant a small audience to see my performance of the Glee soundtrack, Ingrid Michaelson's new album and my new favorite Josh Turner song. I met my wonderful disciple Toni for a little bit of coffee and shopping, which was a lot of fun and financially successful with small purchases of a sweet headband and lovely hat. After a walk around the Old Market, I made my way to spend the night with Sara. What can I say about her except that she makes me feel loved and happy when we talk. A long conversation with her was just what I needed and after a restful night on her couch, I woke up too late to go to Mass at St. Cecilia's Cathedral at 7:30. However, while I was driving, disappointed, to a bookstore I'd always wanted to visit, I found a church having Mass at 8:15. I couldn't thank God enough for His providence and gift of going to Mass that morning.

After grabbing some coffee and looking for books, I grabbed some more coffee (sensing a theme?), this time with another friend, Annie, with whom much catching up and many laughs ensued. Then, Vietnamese food with a mother of two and inspiration to me was the wonderful end to my semi-spontaneous trip that followed me west on I-80.

When I thought that the break was over and it was back to an awful reality of papers, applications and a long to-do list, I got home to witness another great Husker win and take some time with my roommate Amanda to drink wine and eat good food. I guess my life is pretty great in any city I'm in or will end up in. But for right now, I'm happy to be in the good life, where the biggest city is under a million people, where the football team can claim wins over Oklahoma AND Kansas and where my heart can be content.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

rant: on having a lot of stuff to do

I don't even know where the list starts, but I do know that it doesn't have an end.
I have to say, my intent in this post is not to complain about all of the things I have to do (at least not the whole time), but I have a really hard time believing that professors understand exactly what they do to students this time of year.
Since when does a senior in college need to turn in an annotated bibliography before a paper is even due, just to make sure they're getting things done? Either the students will have their projects done on the due date or they won't.
And really, economics professor? Sending out a problem set at 4 p.m. due in morning class when it's not on the syllabus? Um, no thanks.
Also, if I have to upload another stupid document to blackboard, I will probably scream.
I have to apply for graduate school, write an honors thesis, finish my resume and, well, graduate. Oh yeah, not to mention, work, serve on ASUN, lead a Bible study, lead a women's ministry, pick the next dean of the college and maintain sanity.
My life is impossible.

Thanks for reading. I guess I did end up complaining the whole time. :)