Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What I'll Miss About Nebraska.1

For those loyal (probably disappointed) readers of my blog, I've decided to describe every day for the next month something I will miss about the University of Nebraska, and probably the state in general. I realize that this is mostly for my closure and vain purposes, but there's bound to be something funny at some point.

I'm currently sitting in my Anthropology class learning about the differences between humans and great apes. Um, no, I won't be missing this class...like at all. But as the clock strikes 6:25 p.m., so chimes "There is no place like Nebraska" from Mueller Bell Tower. On tours, I used to tell the story/myth about the organist who used to play the music inside the tower (that part is true) who got locked inside one day (also true). He began playing "Help!" by the Beatles until a professor in Bessy Hall could no longer stand it and got curious, finding the organist and letting him out (the Beatles part isn't true, just funny when I start singing it for prospective students and their parents).

I'm sure most of you know that the bells serenade us with music from the Sound of Music and the Beatles, as well as our fight song and Hail Varsity. The bells are really beautiful and have always made me feel like I was ON a university and part of a community. Everyone can hear those bells when they ring, even those stuck in a worst case class.

I only wish I could find a ring tone that sounded so good.

How close am I to crying right now (1-10): 3


  1. I love this. And the rating system at the end. This is fab, good work.

  2. i'm ditto-ing mcbride. i miss the bells too! (and you) excellent idea.
